[PDF] Download Ebook | READ ONLINE Lady Jane Grey(*PDF/EPUB)->Read Lady Jane Grey EPUB [pdf books free]

Synopsis : (*PDF/EPUB)->Read Lady Jane Grey EPUB [pdf books free]

Living only until her execution at age 17, and ruling England for less than two weeks, Lady Jane Grey is still remembered for her intelligence and steadfast defense of the gospel. Declared by the dying (Protestant) King Edward as his successor to the throne- -instead of his half-sister Mary, as his father's will decreed - -his quick decision caused confusion for Jane's succession, which was quickly overcome by Mary's gathering forces and Naval support.This fascinating children's biography features full-page original illustrations, photographs of places she lived, and easy-to-understand text that conveys the gospel-values that Lady Jane held dear. The biography is based on documented facts and avoids the unsubstantiated myths that have woven themselves around Jane (such as the story of the cruel parents). 64 pages, hardcover.

    Lady Jane Grey
    創作者 celinmirzabook 的頭像


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